
A Conversation with Myself

I ordered two cups of coffee. Straight up black. Then walked over to a corner table and set both cups down on opposite sides. My coat went on the back of one chair. I sat opposite the coat, where I could see the front door and rear exit. In the coat chair sat a friend. The person I most needed to talk to, myself.

How are you?
Ok. Tired though. I am always tired.

Yes, I know. Not sleeping well?
No, I’am not. Too many dreams.

What are you dreaming about?
Ghosts. Past and future Ghosts.

These dreams wake you up?

Are you fearful?
Yes, Ghosts are frightening. Especially the ones without eyes. They look at you, without eyes. They sense your fears.

Could I bum a cigarette?
Sorry, don’t smoke.
That’s right I forgot.

Well, how old are you now?
On my way to 62.

I never thought you’d make it this far.
Me neither.

Any regrets?
The people I hurt.

Heard you’re retiring soon.

What are you planning to do?
Play harmonica.

It keeps the ghosts at bay.

Like the one standing behind you?